• Start, duration and rhythmicity of a cycle, when it is pathological, when it is simply peculiar
  • Acne – Hair growth
  • Sexual relations
  • Initiation, multiple partners, wrong standards and expectations
  • Contraception
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Emergency contraception
  • Start of Pap test
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Favorite topics of discussion: Polycystic ovaries, HPV, fungi


In this short brochure we will cover the above issues in few and simple words. We will also discuss them in private, in detail and individually. This is also a basic rule, generalizations in health matters are dangerous. Here we mention simple basic principles without a mood of intimidation, after all the doctor must avoid the teacher style. Much more, of course, we will avoid the easy-to-digest style of women’s magazines, we address mature women with documented scientific data.

Experience tells us that young girls have poor information, undue stress and excessive expectations and standards. The ideal young woman is a career professional, stylish as a model, a champion in her sex life, smokes flamboyantly and works out like an Olympian, especially during her menstruation.

We will simply discuss any problems and point out that these ideals are unattainable and false. Menstruations are usually painful and irregular in the early years. The first sexual contacts are justifiably accompanied by fear and possible physical discomfort. Excess weight, acne and hair growth can torment the teenage girl. Smoking, although socially acceptable, shortens our years and quality of life and usually leads to a slow and painful death.

This pamphlet, probably already noticed, is mainly an attempt to educate gynecological and general health and preventive medicine.

It is the most noble and aspirational goal of the medical practice and the main reason you came to the doctor’s office today.


Until the age of 19-20, the period has the right to rear its head because until the body finds the right biological rhythm, in the first years ovulation does not occur every month and the cycle without ovulation is also irregular.

In principle, a cycle of 22 to 33 days is considered normal. In addition, in the first years the period pain is more intense. When the period is completely irregular or particularly painful, a gynecological evaluation should be done.


It always happens 14 days before the upcoming period, i.e. the period that is about to come. So in a 26 day cycle it will happen on the 12th day and in a 33 day cycle, on the 19th.


Our main concern is to emphasize the importance of reliable contraception. It is a basic principle of reproductive health and a goal of preventive medicine to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. The physical, psychological (but also financial) cost of a miscarriage is significant. After all, proper contraception is also a simple test of the maturity and responsibility of both partners.

There are many ways. The condom, when used ‘timely and correctly’, i.e. from the beginning of each contact and with due care, is good contraception and also provides protection for infections (from simple ones like fungi, to hepatitis B and the HIV virus). Choosing a good brand and the right fit helps with effectiveness.

The method of intermittent intercourse, with timely withdrawal of the partner before ejaculation, is popular but a very poor precaution. The withdrawal is not always timely, but anyway, almost from the beginning of the contact, the tip of the penis is lubricated by fluid, a little but rich in sperm.

The birth control pill is safer now than it was 10 years ago, with new formulations with much smaller doses of hormones. Of course, the box still says 500 side effects and yes, it causes a little fluid retention and therefore temporary weight gain, but it is by far the most effective precaution. It regulates the cycle, improves blood loss and period pains and balances hormonal disorders. Of course, it has contraindications and should not be administered recklessly.

Emergency contraception, or, as it is incorrectly called, the morning-after pill, is a last-minute solution. Έχει πολλές παρενέργειες, μπορεί να αποσυντονίσει τον κύκλο για αρκετούς μήνες. It should not be taken thoughtlessly and systematically. In fact, some initial studies associate frequent intake with carcinogenesis. It has a number of contraindications for administration, which is why we should definitely chat, even over the phone, before taking it from the pharmacy.


The first has to be done at the age of 21, or 3 years after the start of sexual relations, so a girl who started relations at 16 should be tested at 19, not at 21. The Pap test is not very reliable, but it gains value and validity with its yearly repetition.


Common problem in ages 15-25. Fungi, which are normally present in the vaginal flora in small numbers, are often responsible. In periods of psychological stress, poor hygiene, taking antibiotics for an unrelated reason, they find an opportunity and increase and cause vaginitis.

Cold sores can also be caused by germs and it’s always good to discuss, at least over the phone, any new discomfort, especially if it occurs after sexual intercourse. Basic principle: we don’t act on our heads, we don’t put on the suppository that our girlfriend gives us, we absolutely avoid vaginal washes and talk to our doctor if the discomfort persists.


They are problems quite often in Mediterranean countries like Greece. In several cases, a disorder of hormonal etiology coexists, that of polycystic ovary syndrome. This syndrome is common, affecting 1 in 5 young women. It is not a disease, it is just that somewhere the production of hormones in the ovaries fails and more androgens are produced. Excess testosterone causes acne, hirsutism. Poor hormonal balance prevents proper ovulation every month, so these women may be infertile.


At 16 and 19 we don’t smoke for pleasure, nor because we are addicted. We smoke because we hold out our finger with the raised cigarette and we think that we grew up and that’s how we want to be, that this is how we will be liked by boys and that no one will reject us and that the world belongs to us. These are obviously reeds.

Cigarettes are particularly toxic, although in Greece we still find it difficult to admit it. Lung and uterus cancer, infertility, hypertension, heart attack at 40-45, chronic bronchitis and asthma and the list goes on. Going to the doctor and discussing cancers and preventive medicine with the package in your pocket is ridiculous. Therefore we stop smoking and every new unnecessary conversation.


They are more or less the same. We drink because we usually have to, social conditions dictate, rather than because we enjoy it. There is no more hypocritical admonition than ‘Enjoy responsibly’, written in very small print at the bottom of eye-catching ads.